Ez Mailing List Manager

Step 1: Upload all the files onto your servers directory.
Step 2: Set the permissions of the following files and folders to CHMOD 777 (Tell me what is CHMOD 777).
File: u_file.php
Folders: subscribers(and main folder inside it), template, and backup folder.

Step 3: Log into the admin panel, using password: administrator and change your password.
You can create, delete, the groups from the admin panel.
To show subribers form into your webpage, add the following code where you want the form to appear:

Just replace your_group_name value to your own group name, default group is main so if you want the subscribers to subscribe in this group then replace your_group_name with main, so the code will be:
$group= "main"; Also change the extension of your webpage from .html or .htm to .php, for example if it is webpage.html then change it to webpage.php, upload this webpage in the same directory.
That's All.
NOTE: Please use a valid decompressing software for decompressing the contents of zip file, or else you may have some missing folders. We recommend Winzip or Winace for decompressing zip files.

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